In 1995 Martin was instrumental in starting the all volunteer fire dept. It took another
two years to get things organized before property on Ranch Drive was obtained and building
construction started. Martin also lead the drive to get state and federal grants, as well
as donations of money and equipment from the forestry service and local residents for the
new Ranch Drive Fire Dept.
Martin served in the following positions during his tenure, Firefighter, President of the
Board, Chair of the Building Committee, Membership Committee, to name just a few. He
helped establish the kitchen and basically anything that needed to be done, he took part
in. Martin's wife Mildred was right by his side the entire time. Her primary duties being
in charge of the kitchen and helping with any task where she was needed.
Martin, humble as usual, stated "I didn't do this alone, there were several others that
deserve recognition as well me." "That is true, but tonight we honor you Martin." said
Chairman Mike McCurry.
Fire Chief Jim Rugeley says the all volunteer department has 20 trained fire fighters on
staff and are now completing advanced training in medical and firefighting techniques